People's body language, facial expressions, gestures, pitch, tone, can give you clues about what they are thinking and feeling. For example, your coachee might tell you, Emma. Besides avoiding distracting thoughts and external triggers (such as. For example, "What did you mean by.?" or "Can you tell me more about.?" Reflecting is an active listening technique that indicates that you and your counterpart are on the same page. Pay attention: As we mentioned, being attentive is a key component of active listening.

In this type of listening, you show that you are able to understand the person and his/her feelings.

It's perfectly fine to ask for clarification. In biased listening, the judgment of the person creates a great impact on how you interpret things. Don't pretend that you understand their meaning if you don't. One goal of active listening and being an effective listener is to set a comfortable tone that gives your coachee an opportunity to think and speak." This is not a time to articulate your own view points or turn the attention back to yourself. Don't discuss your own reactions or give well-intentioned comments like,"I know what you mean.", "Oh yeah, that same thing happened to me.", or "I don't agree because.Put the focus of attention on the speaker Here are some ways to improve your listening skills: 1.