Cuextacatl warriors were identified by their conical hats. Cuextacatl :- Becoming the warrior of this unit an Aztec warrior had to capture at least two captives successfully.They were famous for never stepping back in the active war. To join the Shorn Ones unit a warrior had to capture six or more captives. They also carried a long braid at the back of their heads. The Shorn Ones :- Another unit of Aztec warriors who had shaved heads.The important condition to join the jaguar unit was to minimum capture twelve in two consecutive battles. The warriors of this unit were famous for bringing the largest number of captives from the war. Their costumes were designed like a jaguar. Jaguar :- This unit was the most elite unit among all the Aztecs military units.Tlamanih :- The meaning of Tlamanih is ‘captor’ and it referred to those warriors who had captured one captive for the gods.Eagle warriors performed as frontline combatants and scouts on the battlefield. That is why they had beaked headdresses and feathers in their costumes. Eagle warrior:- One of the elite unit of the Aztec military, warriors of this unit dressed up as eagle.Those time warriors were divided into ranks and units according to their performance. Capturing of sacrificial victims was a subject of esteem achievement among the Aztec warriors. Patli :- This Aztec name belong to medicine and healing.Īztec Empire was built upon many battles and uncountable sacrifices of battle heroes.Chimalli :- This Aztec name refers to “shield”.Xipilli:- The Nahuatl language defines the meaning of this word as “jeweled prince”.Nezahualcoyotl :- This was the title of a Texcoco King and the meaning of this name is “fasting coyote”.The Blue-green color was one of the favorite colors in Aztec art and feathers of this color, such as of a peacock. Matlalihuitl:- This name was highly valued among the Aztecs due to its meaning that is “blue-green feather”.Tototl :- Tototl meaning is “bird” in the Nahuatl language.Huitzilli:- Meaning of this Aztec name is “hummingbird”.This name means “falling eagle” also many other variations of eagle-like ‘Quauhtli’ were used in different names by the Aztecs. Cuauhtemoc:- Cuauhtemoc was the name of the last Aztec Emperor who lost the battle to the Spaniards.Cipactli :- According to Aztec mythology, Cipatcli was considered as a primordial monster.Cuetlachtli :- The meaning of this Aztec name is “wolf” in the Nahuatl language.The meaning of this name is “flower prince”. Xochipilli :- This name has great essence, Aztec people considered him the god of love and music.The people from Aztlan considered him the god of the sky and they also associated him with the Sun. Quetzalcoatl :- Quetzalcoatl was among the key deities of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan.Mictlantecuhtli :- This name is derived from the deities which meaning is “Lord of Mictlan” in Nahuatl language.Ahuiliztli :- This Aztec name represents the “joy”.Achcauhtli :- The meaning of this Aztec name is “leader”.A number of names for children from the Aztec culture that are inspired and derived from the names of deities, animals, birds, warfare, and royalty.